Unit Size Guide
Unit Size
Looking to clear out space in your garage to make room for your growing business? Tired of tripping over holiday decorations in the middle of July? Midgard Self Storage offers units of all sizes and competitive prices, so you’ll be sure to find a unit that works for you.

UNIT SIZE: 5' x 5' (25 SQ. FT.)
Equivalent to: Regular Closet
This unit will hold: Personal items, clothes, boxes, skis, children's toys, small furniture items, business records and sales rep materials.

UNIT SIZE: 5' x 10' (50 SQ. FT.)
Equivalent to: Walk-in Closet
This unit will hold: Small amounts of furniture, sofas, chairs, chest of drawers, boxspring and mattress, business supplies and records. Plus other small items and boxes.

UNIT SIZE: 5' x 15' (75 SQ. FT.)
Equivalent to: Large Closet
This unit will hold: Small amounts of furniture, sofas, chairs, chest of drawers, boxspring and mattress, business supplies and records. Plus other small items and boxes.

UNIT SIZE: 10' x 10' (100 SQ. FT.)
Equivalent to: Half of a one-car garage
This unit will hold: One-bedroom apartment with major appliances, other furniture and supplies.

UNIT SIZE: 10' x 15' (150 SQ. FT.)
Equivalent to: Two-thirds of a one-car garage
This unit will hold: A two-bedroom apartment or house, including appliances, boxes and miscellaneous items and commercial storage inventory.

UNIT SIZE: 10' x 20' (200 SQ. FT.)
Equivalent to: Standard one-car garage
This unit will hold: A three-bedroom house with major appliances, plus lots of boxes. Business storage files and inventory ideal for storage racks.

UNIT SIZE: 10' x 25' (250 SQ. FT.)
Equivalent to: One-car garage
This unit will hold: A three-bedroom house with major appliances, lots of boxes plus a home office. Business storage files and inventory ideal for storage racks.

UNIT SIZE: 10' x 30' (300 SQ. FT.)
Equivalent to: Standard two-car garage
This unit will hold: A four-to five-bedroom house with major appliances and room for boxes. Excellent for business storage of files, equipment and permanent records.